
Closed Due To Illness Reopens October 15th

〰️ Closed Due To Illness Reopens October 15th

Empowering our customers no purchase limits & freedom of choice.

At We Love Gabby, we believe in giving you the freedom to choose your plant , without any limits on your purchases. Buy as many and as often as you wish.

We're dedicated to empowering you to select the perfect plants for your space. Plant shopping is a deeply personal experience; each Gabby plant is as unique as you are, with its own one-of-a-kind personality.

Personally, nurturing Gabby plants brings me immense joy, although saying goodbye to them can be tough at times! Nevertheless, it fills me with pride knowing that they've brought happiness to countless people over the years.

sun stressed gabby

What is Sun Stressing?

Sun stressing is a natural reaction that some plants have when they're exposed to a lot of sunlight. Just like how our skin can get a little tan or red if we spend too much time in the sun, plants can also change color when they get a lot of sunlight.

sun stressed philodendron gabby

Sun Stressed Gabby

How Does it Happen?

Plants have amazing sensors called photoreceptors that can detect different kinds of light. When they sense a lot of sunlight, especially the kind with blue and UV-A light, they might react by changing color. It's like their way of protecting themselves from too much sun.

sun stressed gabby

What Does it Look Like?

When plants are sun stressed, you might notice that their leaves develop interesting colors like red, orange, or even purple. These colors can show up along the edges or tips of the leaves, or sometimes all over. It's like the plant is putting on a colorful show!

Is it Bad for the Plant?

Not at all! In fact, sun stressing is usually a sign that the plant is healthy and doing well. It's a natural response that helps the plant cope with intense sunlight. Think of it as the plant's way of adapting to its environment and staying strong.

Can I Make it Happen?

While you can't force a plant to sun stress, you can give it the right conditions to thrive. Making sure your plant gets plenty of sunlight, but not too much, and giving it the right nutrients and care can encourage it to develop those beautiful colors.

So next time you see a plant with red or orange leaves, you'll know it's not just for looks—it's nature's way of saying, "I'm soaking up the sun and loving it!"

Sun stressed Gabby will return to her normal colors in a few weeks ,this is not permanent.

Distinguishing Gabby

They produce cream, dark green / light green & white variegation . Gabby leaves will never repeat the same pattern they are all distinctly different with very diverse coloration.

Growth Habit

Gabby nodes are very close together stacked up or slightly farther apart as shown in pictures. As the plant matures the spacing will get farther apart along with the leaves will get larger. Moss poles,totems, bamboo stakes or a trellis will sometimes effect how large your leaves will grow and how far apart your node spacing is. Leaves may increase in size with a very dramatic effect. Hanging baskets will make your Gabby trail and look for a place to climb trimming your Gabby will keep it compact and bushy .

Philodendron Hederaceum Gabby
Philodendron Hederaceum Gabby

Caring for you new Gabby

Gabby Watering Needs

Gabby should be watered when they are dry .Larger Gabby will need watering more often. Gabby that have more green will use more water .Gabby that are smaller and have more creamy /white colors should be watered less often .Please do not water all sizes of Gabby at the same time.

Gabby comes in a 3 inch pot. Gabby is capable to stay in that pot size for at least 1 year. Gabby does not tolerate over-watering they need to dry out completely before watering again. If for any reason you can not determine if its dry simply dump it out ,it will not harm Gabby they are very hardy plants .If you still feel moisture that clings to the perlite or the soil clumps it did not need watering. Our soil mix is 75 % perlite 25 % fine coco coir.

Understanding N-P-K for Healthy Plants

NPK stands for nitrogen , phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), which are three essential nutrients that plants need to grow and thrive. These nutrients play different roles in supporting plant health and development:

We give our Gabby plant food year round ,do not with hold plant food during the winter months it will cause your plant to grow very slow and be very weak .Do not give your Gabby extra plant food follow the feeding instructions on your plant food.

Nitrogen : Nitrogen is crucial for leafy green growth and overall plant vigor. It helps plants produce chlorophyll, which is essential for photosynthesis—the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. Nitrogen promotes lush foliage and encourages plants to grow tall and strong.

Phosphorus (P): Phosphorus is important for root development. It helps plants transfer energy, promotes strong root growth. Phosphorus is particularly important during the early stages of plant growth.

We have tested various nutrients over the years and came up with the very best and exact amounts to suit our NPK needs for our Gabby ! Remember all “Plant Food “ will have an N-P-K rating on the front of the bottle .There are so many “gimmick” plant foods on the market please choose wisely.

Potassium (K): Potassium contributes to overall plant health and resilience. It helps regulate water uptake and retention, improves disease resistance, and enhances stress tolerance in plants. Potassium also plays a role in various metabolic processes, including enzyme activation and protein synthesis.

Temperature Humidity and Light

When you receive your Gabby ,it does not need to be acclimated ,Gabby may be placed in filtered sun ,very bright light or indirect bright light ,bear in mind the less light the slower it will grow .

Gabby may be kept in a cabinet. Bear in mind if Gabby is placed in a humid environment it will need to be watered less frequently.Make sure it is all the way dried out before watering . Our grow racks run around 84 /92 degrees and they create their own humidity when it drops to around 50 % humidity we know its time to water.

Gabby prefers to be in filtered sun and will grow just fine in normal house temp and humidity.Growth will slow during the winter season .


Gabby may occasionally throw a green leaf - 99% of the time she will pick the color back up again . If your Gabby throws 2-3 green i would cut it back below the last variegated leaf . My stock has been carefully groomed over the years any plant that does not meet my standards are disposed of. All variegated plants may from time to time revert or throw various colored leaves .We have a low % approximately 1.333% of the cuttings lose variegation.

 Payment methods are the following : PayPal ,Venmo ,Major Credit Cards ,Debit Cards , Amazon Pay ,Google Pay ,Apple Pay, After pay which lets you split your purchase 4 ways ,payment due every 2 weeks . Convenient and secure purchases . Shipping days are Monday and Tuesdays, only at this time . Please bear in mind there are shipping delays in some areas. Thank you for choosing We Love Gabby !

Philodendron Hederaceum Gabby